Saturday, October 8, 2011

Apple Butter Recipe

Hi Everyone, I hope you are all well, I haven't been on this blog for almost a year and a lot has happened in my life.  I am now unemployed and enjoying life each and every day.  I will be posting recipes, crafts (with instructions) DIY projects and cost cutting tips. 

My Husband went in the hospital for a elective surgery, he had a hernia and was getting it repaired, well it turns out that he had "Three".  Well then he developed a bowel blockage and have a 2nd surgery.  Then he got an infection caused by the bowel blockage and had to have 5 more surgeries, first to clean out infected areas and put in a wound vac, then to clean and irrigate and replace the wound vac, and do this again, then on his sixth surgery his doctor replace a biological mess and place a much smaller wound Vac in and then finally closed him up on the seventh surgery.  He came home after being in the hospital for 23 days and then a week later had to return to the hospital with pneumonia and was in there for 3 more days, poor thing.  He has now been home for about 6 weeks and is doing well, he has a nerve problem in his leg that we are going to his primary doctor for.  I'm not sure when he will be able to return to work but I'm so glad he is at Home!!  It was really hard trying to can and freeze all of my garden stuff.

I was able to freeze corn, both cut off  and on the cob, green beans, tomato juice, dice tomatoes, zucchini, 10 quarts of apples and my blackberries done very well and I got 3 gals of them and made 2 blackberry cobblers and froze one gallon to make jelly.  I canned 36 pints of salsa, 6 pints of green tomato salsa, 6 quarts and 12 pints of bread and butter pickles, 4 quarts and 6 pints of Kosher dill pickles, and last but not least 10 pints of apple butter.  I decided I would post the recipe for the apple butter and it's made in a crock pot.


8 Cups of homemade applesauce
6 Cups of sugar
6 tablespoons of cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoons cloves (ground)
1 teaspoon of all spice
1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Put all the ingredients in the crock pot and cover
cook on high about 6 hours, cook an additional 4-6 hours on low (cook until turns brown and thickens)

Spoon apple butter in to clean jars and put in a hot water bath.

For 1/2 Pints - 5 minutes
       Pints - 10 minutes
       Quarts - 15 minutes

I have tested this on my worst critics, aka, family and friends, and they have all loved it!!

Thanks for stopping by, Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Monday, November 1, 2010

DIY Solar Panels

Hi everyone,  I just wanted to let you all know of a wonderful DIY kit that I came accross.  With the present economic scenario and the ever-shrinking state of the global oil reserves.  Even though this is not good news for everyone, it makes us investigate alternative energy sources that have become the solution for cutting down the present and future energy consumption, particularly in terms of fossil fuel usage like oil. For example, it has become more and more economical to build home made solar energy system. Building the homemade solar panels that utilize deep cell storage batteries produce the electricity upon consumer demand and reduce their individual dependence on the country’s energy grid.

Who in the world would not want to reduce their energy bills by 80% or more? Many of us should want to take advantage of such a great deal. With this being the demand then follow the following guide that offers lot of fantastic home made solar solutions, which can be built easily, for the low cost of less than $200.

The Features of the guide are -

• Full and detailed instructions given which can be easily understood by a layman or the unskilled for building a home made solar panel.

• Other details on how to obtain the components available in the neighborhood material store for preparing the home made solar system.

• Few Tips on how to construct the alternative energy generators that is not readily available anywhere else.

• One time investment - and life long updates to the manual and video series, at no additional cost.

• Full cash back if you are not saving hundreds of dollars per month on your energy bill after using the system for eight months.

• Detailed instructions explained by videos

Think about this! Here you are with a homemade solar system, generating power that will be stored in deep cell batteries for future consumption. And all of this costs just pennies on the dollar! At Earth 4 Energy, you can subscribe to the home made solar DIY kit and then begin to experience making the energy generating kit at home. The DIY instructional manual and videos are easy to understand, so even a beginner will be able to understand.

They have a history of excited customers mentioning positive reviews about the many money saving quotes.

Most who have built the devices can't believe how easy it was. Additionally, these testimonials or feedbacks state that they have actually gained and also saved 100% of their electric bill and that they could use the extra money to pay for gasoline for their car!

Make power at home with solar and wind energy to eliminate your power bill. Get their complete guide at Earth 4 Energy

Thanks for stopping by, Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Making A Baby Quilt For Our New Arrival

I just got the material today to start on a baby quilt for my new granddaughter she will be here in about 10 weeks.  Oh I just can't wait!  Did I mention how I love being a grandma, all my grandchildren call me Mamaw.  What do yours call you? 

I just love making quilts but it has be so hot I didn't want to mess with it.  As soon as I get the quilt done I will post pictures.  Check back and see them. 

I have made salsa with all my Tomatoes and also have put up several quarts of Tomato Juice.

Well I better get to bed I need to get a lot done tomorrow and it is 2:15 am here,  Oh well, I can get a few hours sleep...

Thanks for stopping by, Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Not Looking forward to my Birthday

Another beautiful day here in Indiana.  Love this fall-like weather.  I work at a local nursing home a few days a week in the Laundry department.  After working 20+ years being a Business office Manager, doing all the Medicare and Medicaid and Private Insurance billing I was ready for a change so I went to work in the Laundry department, more physical but a lot less stressful.  I love visiting and seeing the residents.

My birthday is in less than a week and I'm not liking the fact that I'm getting older, yes older, not old.  On Tuesday I will turn 55 and I'm thankful for everyday that God has given me.  My mom died when she was 56 so I hope that I will be blessed with a few more years than she had.  I still think of her everyday, she was my best friend, "I miss you Mom".  Anyway I will be another year older in a few days and my husband and I are trying to get our ducks in row so he will be able to retire.  I know he's getting tired.  He has worked for the same company for 35 years and looking forward to retirement and getting to do some traveling, Me too!

Thanks for stopping by, Hope you all have a wonderful day!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm working on my green tomato relish today and if you would like to have the recipe Click Here and go the the recipe tab.  This is a recipe that my mom always used and it is so good on hot dogs and Hamburgers.  Thanks for stopping by, Hope you all have a wonderful day!!.
Hi everyone!  We are having a beautiful day here in Indiana.  I plan on making some of my green tomato relish from all the green tomatoes I still have in my garden.  I will also have more ripe tomatoes to can.  Busy day tomorrow but just love canning!!  Oh and by the way, my daughter-in-law is in her third trimester.  She and my son are having a girl but are withholding the name until she gets here, I can't wait.  I just love being a Mamaw, she will be my eighth grandchild.  I went from two, a boy and a girl to 5 boys and 2 girls on July 31 when my daughter got married, she has a son, Elijah and her husband has 4 sons, Kyle, Daniel, Jordan and Zane, and one daughter, Kaylee.  My son has one daughter, Kendall and Baby Girl #2 is on her way. Mommy and Daddy are doing great we hope to have her with us end of October or first part of November, I'm ~.~PaTientLy~.~ waiting. 

Thanks for stopping by, Hope you all have a wonderful day and keep sending those wonderful recipes and helpful hints.  Love to you all.....

Monday, August 23, 2010

I need your tips

I'm planning on publishing a cookbook with old and new recipes in it, so if you have any good one let me know or put them in my comments.  I also need your input on helpful tips.  My husband told me that he read a post on facebook that said if you get your cellphone wet to put it in a bowl of dried rice for 24 hours and it will work again.  The lady that posted it said that her daughter did it and it really works!!,  I also heard from my brother-in-law that you can use vinegar for so many things,  Like deluted 1 - 4 with water and it makes a nice fungiside for your garden plants and flowers, he also said that if you use it full stength that it would remove mold and kill weeds,  if you know any other uses let me know.  Have a great week everyone.  I will talk to you again soon.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Hot weather saving tips

Wow it has been really hot here in Indiana, my poor garden is looking alittle drouppy.  On days when it is 90+ don't turn your AC down to 70, leave it at 80, it still is cool when you come in from the outside and it saves on electricity and your poor AC gets a break!!

We had a DIY Wedding this summer, my daughter got married.  It was so hot but was a beautiful outdoor wedding.  I DIY'ed the whole thing, wedding, decorations, flowers, reception meal and I accomplished this beautiful event for under $300.00.  So If anyone is interested in a DIY wedding. Let me know and I can help you with yours.