Monday, August 23, 2010

I need your tips

I'm planning on publishing a cookbook with old and new recipes in it, so if you have any good one let me know or put them in my comments.  I also need your input on helpful tips.  My husband told me that he read a post on facebook that said if you get your cellphone wet to put it in a bowl of dried rice for 24 hours and it will work again.  The lady that posted it said that her daughter did it and it really works!!,  I also heard from my brother-in-law that you can use vinegar for so many things,  Like deluted 1 - 4 with water and it makes a nice fungiside for your garden plants and flowers, he also said that if you use it full stength that it would remove mold and kill weeds,  if you know any other uses let me know.  Have a great week everyone.  I will talk to you again soon.

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